Map, docking station list and availability

Plan, liste et disponibilité des stations


You can also see the docking stations on our interactive map

List of docking stations

Use V³ Predict’ to search the list of V³ docking stations by name or number, and see bicycle availability in real time or in advance.

Docking station availability

Live updates

There are a number of ways to find out the total number of spaces at a docking station or how many bikes are currently available. Take a look at the colour-coded boxes and the number. They will tell you:

In advance

With V³ predict’,  you can see availability predictions up to 12 hours in advance! V³ Predict' was designed by the start-up company, Qucit. It shows you availability at a specific docking station at any given time.

Information is calculated using data collected since the V³ network opened. It takes into account patterns of docking station usage (nearly 10 million journeys since 2010), work done by our teams on the ground, as well as the day, time and whether or not children are on school holidays.

For even greater accuracy, V³’s predictive tool also considers the weather in Greater Bordeaux, and it takes into account the number of bicycles available at the time of your search.

Over 700 cities and urban areas all over the world now offer self-service bicycles: V³ is the very first network to make use of predictions!

If you want to start using V³ Prédict’ right now, you can find it: